Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Foto Friday

 But first, COFFEE! Porque siempre es hora del cafe.

Cafe Miel, long time favorite, now improved by legos. A must do if you are in Costa Rica.
 Coffee dreams for lunch? It's as though you read my mind.
Coffee Dreams' WiFi password is on point. Perfectly sums up my thoughts on WiFi access.
After lunching on Coffee Dreams I had afternoon coffee at Don Mayo...
where I imbibed the spirit of coffee.
For my animal loving friends, there weren't enough of these to purchase one for all so enjoy the picture of this animal rights activist mug, en español. 

And now, for something completely different. It would seem you can rent a burial spot in Heredia? Good financial planning considering people will soon enough forget to visit your languishing remains. 😁
Just in case there was any doubt, it has been written in stone that you must be a "legitimate" heir to share this space. Perhaps the illegitimate heirs got a rental spot.
My homie:
All joking aside I enjoyed this antique lamp post:
and this interesting marker for un pintor. All of these were taken at Cementerio de Heredia. 

Also taken around Heredia: 

While in Alajuela looking for Wal-Mart... 
(and having coffee) I happened upon the Museo Histórico Cultural Juan Santamaría. Juan is a national hero, though of disputed legitimacy. Don't we all have some of those? I accept his reputed heroism without debate as he made my birthday a national holiday. Thanks, Juan! Anyway, some tidbits from el museo:
Interventions of Estates Unidos...?! Say it ain't so! 
The church that now resides at the heart of Alajuela.

Chepe! I love San José as it is more formally known, especially all of the murals. 
And also fun signage: 
But they need to work on weed control: 

In Costa Rica they put up these elaborate nativity scenes which are still up well after Christmas. I admired them when I was here a year ago bussing around the country. Every town we were in had a very nice one in the central church. Here are a couple of examples, one in San Jose and one in Heredia:

Finally, moving on to Belén, my new hometown. Excuse the terrible photo but my 14 year old coffee pot that I am emotionally attached to successfully made the move and airline abuse. Yay! 
New neighbor, Aphrodite. Don't tell my babies. 
I'm kind of afraid of this odor control. Not sure why... 💁
I was in love with this loco pajaro as a child. Most sought after character at Universal Studios. And yes, I did go watch it in Spanish. 
The title changes of movies is interesting. For example, what we know as Ferdinand in the US is Ole! The Travel of Ferdinand. 
I went shopping for some house plants and had a little reminder of home. 
And during one of my wanderings to and fro I almost stole this puppy. Not sure what the punishment for puppy theft is in Costa Rica. Not harsh I hope. 
Speaking of puppies Scott is huge around here. Painted on the side of buildings huge. And apparently you can get a plush doctor puppy with your tissue. If anyone needs one let me know. 
And finally, a carnivorous tamal! 

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